The Problem With Humans: And Other Stories
In her first book, “Flash in the Dark: A Collection of Flash Fiction,” Allison Spooner offered stories that teetered between dark and light. Her second collection contains brief glimpses into the moments that make humans…well, human.

Spooner’s stories have been called “unique works of art,” “brilliant, disturbing, and thought-provoking,” and her last book a “truly fantastic collection of short stories.”
In her second collection, she offers something for both lovers of humanity and those who are entirely fed up. From deadly mistakes and crass crimes to the sweet moments that once again give us faith in humanity, the stories in this collection will both break your heart and make you smile.
“From whimsical fantasy to the harsh realities of addiction, Ms. Spooner’s stories have it all. Twists and turns and thought-provoking tales, you’ll want to keep reading to see what’s in store for you next.”
-K. Lynn Smith, writer/creator of Plume and For Goodness’ Sake
“The problem with humans…is that they suck. They’re also deliciously complex, as shown in the pages of this collection. This sampler platter of genre—science-fiction, horror, romance, fantasy—examines the human condition from within and without, eliciting every emotional response from delight to devastation. Allison Spooner accomplishes what writers crave and what readers seek—plot twists and clever turns of phrase; subtle parallels at both sentence and story level. And she makes it look easy.”
-Leah McNaughton Lederman, author, editor: Cafe Macabre: A Collection of Horror Short Stories and Art by Women
“Spooner strikes again. An expert chauffeur, she navigates both pleasant, county roads and dark, dank alleys with ease – and has zero hesitation if/when she jerks the wheel down a twist or turn. From slapdash capers to political unrest in supernatural suburbia, Ms. Spooner once again delivers a delectable smorgasbord of fast and – most importantly – fun stories that made me laugh, think, and/or flinch (but in a good way). She could lead a master class on foreshadowing.”
-Amazon Review
“Fans of Spooner’s “Flash in The Dark” will delight in this new collection of flash fiction. Once again, she has mastered the difficult task of writing bite-sized stories that hook the reader from the very beginning and keep them guessing until the end. The tales range from humorous and romantic to fantastic and macabre, and each story feels like an unexpected gift that you can’t wait to open. Warning: you may find yourself reading the entire book in one sitting!”
-Amazon Review